2020-12-08 09:29:12 +00:00
DIR=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")
. "$DIR/../env.sh"
log "Setting up qmk"
if [ -z "$QMK_HOME" ]; then
echo "warning: \$QMK_HOME is empty!\
if you already had qmk_firmware cloned, set it to \$QMK_HOME first \
press Ctrl-c to cancel the installation, Enter to continue"
read -r
if in_china && [ -z "$HTTPS_PROXY" ]; then
echo "warning: \$HTTPS_PROXY is empty!\
cloning speed for submodules could be slow AF in china, are u sure? \
press Ctrl-c to cancel the installation, Enter to continue"
read -r
case "$PM" in
sudo pip3 install qmk
# for ps2_mouse
sudo apt install avr-libc
2022-05-28 03:02:03 +00:00
#sudo pacman -S --noconfirm --needed arm-none-eabi-gcc avr-gcc avrdude dfu-programmer dfu-util arv-libc
sudo pacman -S avrdude
2020-12-08 09:29:12 +00:00
sudo pip install qmk
# setup udev rule for flashing
sudo cp "$QMK_HOME/util/udev/50-qmk.rules" /etc/udev/rules.d/
# check if qmk setup is needed, not very elegant though.
if [ ! -d "$QMK_HOME/lib/chibios/.git" ]; then
qmk setup
2022-05-28 03:02:03 +00:00
echo "Use following command to compile firmware"
echo ' util/docker_build.sh yk/do43:default'
echo "Use following command to flash firemware (remember to reset your keyboard first)"
echo ' sudo avrdude -v -patmega32u4 -cavr109 -P/dev/ttyACM0 -b57600 -Uflash:w:"yk_do43_default.hex":i '