@ -1,428 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
import struct
import getpass
from hashlib import sha256
from random import randint
import argparse
import subprocess
import py_sg
except ImportError, e:
print "You need to install the \"py_sg\" module."
dev = None
## Print fail message with red leading characters
def fail(str):
return "\033[91m" + "[!]" + "\033[0m" + " " + str
## Print fail message with green leading characters
def success(str):
return "\033[92m" + "[*]" + "\033[0m" + " " + str
## Print fail message with blue leading characters
def question(str):
return "\033[94m" + "[+]" + "\033[0m" + " " + str
def title(str):
return "\033[93m" + str + "\033[0m"
### Return if the current user is root
def is_root_user():
if os.geteuid() != 0: return False
else: return True
## Convert an integer to his human-readable secure status
def sec_status_to_str(security_status):
if security_status == 0x00:
return "No lock"
elif security_status == 0x01:
return "Locked";
elif security_status == 0x02:
return "Unlocked";
elif security_status == 0x06:
return "Locked, unlock blocked";
elif security_status == 0x07:
return "No keys";
return "unknown";
## Convert an integer to his human-readable cipher algorithm
def cipher_id_to_str(cipher_id):
if cipher_id == 0x10:
return "AES_128_ECB";
elif cipher_id == 0x12:
return "AES_128_CBC";
elif cipher_id == 0x18:
return "AES_128_XTS";
elif cipher_id == 0x20:
return "AES_256_ECB";
elif cipher_id == 0x22:
return "AES_256_CBC";
elif cipher_id == 0x28:
return "AES_256_XTS";
elif cipher_id == 0x30:
return "Full Disk Encryption";
return "unknown";
## Transform "cdb" in char[]
def _scsi_pack_cdb(cdb):
return struct.pack('{0}B'.format(len(cdb)), *cdb)
## Convert int from host byte order to network byte order
def htonl(num):
return struct.pack('!I', num)
## Convert int from host byte order to network byte order
def htons(num):
return struct.pack('!H', num)
## Call the device and get the selected block of Handy Store.
def read_handy_store(page):
cdb = [0xD8,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00]
i = 2
for c in htonl(page):
cdb[i] = ord(c)
data = py_sg.read(dev, _scsi_pack_cdb(cdb), BLOCK_SIZE)
return data
## Calculate checksum on the returned data
def hsb_checksum(data):
c = 0
for i in range(510):
c = c + ord(data[i])
c = c + ord(data[0]) ## Some WD Utils count data[0] twice, some other not ...
r = (c * -1) & 0xFF
return hex(r)
## Call the device and get the encryption status.
## The function returns three values:
## SecurityStatus:
## 0x00 => No lock
## 0x01 => Locked
## 0x02 => Unlocked
## 0x06 => Locked, unlock blocked
## 0x07 => No keys
## CurrentChiperID
## 0x10 => AES_128_ECB
## 0x12 => AES_128_CBC
## 0x18 => AES_128_XTS
## 0x20 => AES_256_ECB
## 0x22 => AES_256_CBC
## 0x28 => AES_256_XTS
## 0x30 => Full Disk Encryption
## KeyResetEnabler (4 bytes that change every time)
def get_encryption_status():
cdb = [0xC0, 0x45, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00]
data = py_sg.read(dev, _scsi_pack_cdb(cdb), BLOCK_SIZE)
if ord(data[0]) != 0x45:
print fail("Wrong encryption status signature %s" % hex(ord(data[0])))
## SecurityStatus, CurrentChiperID, KeyResetEnabler
return (ord(data[3]), ord(data[4]), data[8:12])
## Call the device and get the first block of Handy Store.
## The function returns three values:
## Iteration - number of iteration (hashing) in password generation
## Salt - salt used in password generation
## Hint - hint of the password if used. TODO.
def read_handy_store_block1():
signature = [0x00, 0x01, 0x44, 0x57]
sector_data = read_handy_store(1)
## Check if retrieved Checksum is correct
if hsb_checksum(sector_data) != hex(ord(sector_data[511])):
print fail("Wrong HSB1 checksum")
## Check if retrieved Signature is correct
for i in range(0,4):
if signature[i] != ord(sector_data[i]):
print fail("Wrong HSB1 signature.")
iteration = struct.unpack_from("<I",sector_data[8:])
salt = sector_data[12:20] + chr(0x00) + chr(0x00)
hint = sector_data[24:226] + chr(0x00) + chr(0x00)
return (iteration[0],salt,hint)
## Perform password hashing with requirements obtained from the device
def mk_password_block(passwd, iteration, salt):
clean_salt = ""
for i in range(len(salt)/2):
if ord(salt[2 * i]) == 0x00 and ord(salt[2 * i + 1]) == 0x00:
clean_salt = clean_salt + salt[2 * i]
password = clean_salt + passwd
password = password.encode("utf-16")[2:]
for i in range(iteration):
password = sha256(password).digest()
return password
## Unlock the device
def unlock():
cdb = [0xC1,0xE1,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x28,0x00]
sec_status, cipher_id, key_reset = get_encryption_status()
## Device should be in the correct state
if (sec_status == 0x00 or sec_status == 0x02):
print fail("Your device is already unlocked!")
elif (sec_status != 0x01):
print fail("Wrong device status!")
if cipher_id == 0x10 or cipher_id == 0x12 or cipher_id == 0x18:
pwblen = 16;
elif cipher_id == 0x20 or cipher_id == 0x22 or cipher_id == 0x28:
pwblen = 32;
elif cipher_id == 0x30:
pwblen = 32;
print fail("Unsupported cipher %s" % cipher_id)
## Get password from user
print question("Insert password to Unlock the device")
passwd = getpass.getpass()
iteration,salt,hint = read_handy_store_block1()
pwd_hashed = mk_password_block(passwd, iteration, salt)
pw_block = [0x45,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00]
for c in htons(pwblen):
pwblen = pwblen + 8
cdb[8] = pwblen
## If there aren't exceptions the unlock operation is OK.
py_sg.write(dev, _scsi_pack_cdb(cdb), _scsi_pack_cdb(pw_block) + pwd_hashed)
print success("Device unlocked.")
## Wrong password or something bad is happened.
print fail("Wrong password.")
## Change device password
## If the new password is empty the device state change and become "0x00 - No lock" meaning encryption is no more used.
## If the device is unencrypted a user can choose a password and make the whole device encrypted.
def change_password():
cdb = [0xC1, 0xE2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48, 0x00]
sec_status, cipher_id, key_reset = get_encryption_status()
if (sec_status != 0x02 and sec_status != 0x00):
print fail("Device has to be unlocked or without encryption to perform this operation")
if cipher_id == 0x10 or cipher_id == 0x12 or cipher_id == 0x18:
pwblen = 16;
elif cipher_id == 0x20 or cipher_id == 0x22 or cipher_id == 0x28:
pwblen = 32;
elif cipher_id == 0x30:
pwblen = 32;
print fail("Unsupported cipher %s" % cipher_id)
print question("Insert the OLD password")
old_passwd = getpass.getpass()
print question("Insert the NEW password")
new_passwd = getpass.getpass()
print question("Confirm the NEW password")
new_passwd2 = getpass.getpass()
if new_passwd != new_passwd2:
print fail("Password confirmation doesn't match the given password")
## Both passwords shouldn't be empty
if (len(old_passwd) <= 0 and len(new_passwd) <= 0):
print fail("Both passwords shouldn't be empty")
iteration,salt,hint = read_handy_store_block1()
pw_block = [0x45,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00]
for c in htons(pwblen):
if (len(old_passwd) > 0):
old_passwd_hashed = mk_password_block(old_passwd, iteration, salt)
pw_block[3] = pw_block[3] | 0x10
old_passwd_hashed = ""
for i in range(32):
old_passwd_hashed = old_passwd_hashed + chr(0x00)
if (len(new_passwd) > 0):
new_passwd_hashed = mk_password_block(new_passwd, iteration, salt)
pw_block[3] = pw_block[3] | 0x01
new_passwd_hashed = ""
for i in range(32):
new_passwd_hashed = new_passwd_hashed + chr(0x00)
if pw_block[3] & 0x11 == 0x11:
pw_block[3] = pw_block[3] & 0xEE
pwblen = 8 + 2 * pwblen
cdb[8] = pwblen
## If exception isn't raised the unlock operation gone ok.
py_sg.write(dev, _scsi_pack_cdb(cdb), _scsi_pack_cdb(pw_block) + old_passwd_hashed + new_passwd_hashed)
print success("Password changed.")
## Wrong password or something bad is happened.
print fail("Error changing password")
## Change the internal key used for encryption, every data on the device would be permanently unaccessible.
## Device forgets even the partition table so you have to make a new one.
def secure_erase(cipher_id = 0):
cdb = [0xC1, 0xE3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00]
status, current_cipher_id, key_reset = get_encryption_status()
if cipher_id == 0:
cipher_id = current_cipher_id
pw_block = [0x45,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x30,0x00,0x00,0x00]
if cipher_id == 0x10 or cipher_id == 0x12 or cipher_id == 0x18:
pwblen = 16;
pw_block[3] = 0x01
elif cipher_id == 0x20 or cipher_id == 0x22 or cipher_id == 0x28:
pwblen = 32;
pw_block[3] = 0x01
elif cipher_id == 0x30:
pwblen = 32;
# pw_block[3] = 0x00
print fail("Unsupported cipher %s" % cipher_id)
## Set the actual lenght of pw_block (8 bytes + pwblen pseudorandom data)
cdb[8] = pwblen + 8
## Fill pw_block with random data
for rand_byte in os.urandom(pwblen):
## key_reset needs to be retrieved immidiatly before the reset request
#status, current_cipher_id, key_reset = get_encryption_status()
key_reset = get_encryption_status()[2]
i = 2
for c in key_reset:
cdb[i] = ord(c)
i += 1
py_sg.write(dev, _scsi_pack_cdb(cdb), _scsi_pack_cdb(pw_block))
print success("Device erased. You need to create a new partition on the device (Hint: fdisk and mkfs)")
## Something bad is happened.
print fail("Something wrong.")
## Get device info through "lsscsi" command
def get_device_info(device = None):
if device == None: grep_string = "Passport"
else: grep_string = device
## Ex. from the following string
## "[23:0:0:0] disk WD My Passport 0820 1012 /dev/sdb"
## We extract
p = subprocess.Popen("lsscsi | grep " + grep_string + " | grep -oP \"\/([a-zA-Z]+)\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\"",shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
## /dev/sdb
complete_path = p.stdout.read().rstrip()
p = subprocess.Popen("lsscsi | grep " + grep_string + " | grep -oP \"\/([a-zA-Z]+)\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\" | cut -d '/' -f 3",shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
## sdb
relative_path = p.stdout.read().rstrip()
p = subprocess.Popen("lsscsi -d|grep " + grep_string + "|cut -d ':' -f 1|cut -d '[' -f 2",shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
## 23
host_number = p.stdout.read().rstrip()
return (complete_path, relative_path, host_number)
## Enable mount operations
## Tells the system to scan the "new" (unlocked) device
def enable_mount(device):
sec_status, cipher_id, key_reset = get_encryption_status()
## Device should be in the correct state
if (sec_status == 0x00 or sec_status == 0x02):
rp,hn = get_device_info(device)[1:]
p = subprocess.Popen("echo 1 > /sys/block/" + rp + "/device/delete",shell=True)
p = subprocess.Popen("echo \"- - -\" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host" + hn + "/scan",shell=True)
print success("Now depending on your system you can mount your device or it will be automagically mounted.")
print fail("Device needs to be unlocked in order to mount it.")
## Main function, get parameters and manage operations
def main(argv):
global dev
print title("WD Passport Ultra linux utility v0.1 by duke")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-s", "--status", required=False, action="store_true", help="Check device status and encryption type")
parser.add_argument("-u", "--unlock", required=False, action="store_true", help="Unlock")
parser.add_argument("-m", "--mount", required=False, action="store_true", help="Enable mount point for an unlocked device")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--change_passwd", required=False, action="store_true", help="Change (or disable) password")
parser.add_argument("-e", "--erase", required=False, action="store_true", help="Secure erase device")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--device", dest="device", required=False, help="Force device path (ex. /dev/sdb). Usually you don't need this option.")
args = parser.parse_args()
if not is_root_user():
print fail("You need to have root privileges to run this script.")
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
args.status = True
if args.device:
DEVICE = args.device
## Get occurrences of "Passport" devices
p = subprocess.Popen("lsscsi | grep Passport | wc -l",shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
if int(p.stdout.read().rstrip()) > 1:
print fail("Multiple occurences of \"My Passport\" detected. You should specify a device manually (with -d option).")
DEVICE = get_device_info()[0]
dev = open(DEVICE,"r+b")
print fail("Something wrong opening device \"%s\"" % (DEVICE))
if args.status:
status, cipher_id, key_reset = get_encryption_status()
print success("Device state")
print "\tSecurity status: %s" % sec_status_to_str(status)
print "\tEncryption type: %s" % cipher_id_to_str(cipher_id)
if args.unlock:
if args.change_passwd:
if args.erase:
print question("Any data on the device will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N]")
r = sys.stdin.read(1)
if r.lower() == 'y':
print success("Ok. Bye.")
if args.mount:
if __name__ == "__main__":