[feature] support multi-monitor

This commit is contained in:
Klesh Wong 2021-07-23 12:59:49 +08:00
parent 3e4e140e9f
commit 90ac7a7805
2 changed files with 138 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -73,25 +73,23 @@ GetActiveWindowMonGeometry(ByRef x, ByRef y, ByRef w, ByRef h) {
GetMonGeometryByPos(px, py, ByRef x, ByRef y, ByRef w, ByRef h) {
; find monitor by position
SysGet, mc, MonitorCount
mi := 0
mi := 1
loop {
if (mi > mc) {
SysGet, mon, MonitorWorkArea, %mi%
if (monLeft < px and monRight > px and monTop < py and monBottom > py) {
x := monLeft
y := monTop
w := monRight - monLeft
h := monBottom - monTop
mi := mi + 1
if (mi > mc) {
SysGet, mon, MonitorWorkArea, %mi%
if (monLeft < px and monRight > px and monTop < py and monBottom > py) {
x := monLeft
y := monTop
w := monRight - monLeft
h := monBottom - monTop
mi := mi + 1
msg := Format("unable to find monitor for pos {1}, {2}", px, py)
MsgBox, %msg%
LogDebug("unable to find monitor for pos {1}, {2}", px, py)
FocusWinByDirection(direction) {
@ -168,6 +166,27 @@ GetActiveWindowMargins(hwnd, monX, monY, monW, monH, ByRef l, ByRef t, ByRef r,
LogDebug("active window margins: {1} {2} {3} {4}", l, t, r, b)
ToggleActiveWinMaximum() {
WinGet, isMax, MinMax, A
if (isMax) {
WinRestore, A
} else {
WinMaximize, A
ArrangeActiveWindow(method) {
if (method = "monocle") {
WinGet, isMax, MinMax, A
if (not isMax) {
WinMaximize, A
} else {
MoveActiveWinByDirection(direction) {
WinGet, isMax, MinMax, A
if (isMax) {
@ -204,7 +223,69 @@ MoveActiveWinByDirection(direction) {
wh := wh - PADDING * 2
WinMove, A,, wx, wy, ww, wh
LogDebug("move win to x: {1}, y: {2}, w: {3}, h: {4}", wx, wy, ww, wh)
GetCursorNearestMonitor(direction, ByRef ml, ByRef mt, ByRef mr, ByRef mb) {
MouseGetPos x, y
if (direction = "right") { ; start at right most, and search for nearest monitor
ml := 10000
mt := 10000
mr := 10000
mb := 10000
} else {
ml := -10000
mt := -10000
mr := -10000
mb := -10000
SysGet, mc, MonitorCount
mi := 1
loop {
if (mi > mc) {
SysGet, mon, MonitorWorkArea, %mi%
if (direction = "right") {
if (monLeft > x and monLeft < ml) {
ml := monLeft
mt := monTop
mr := monRight
mb := monBottom
} else {
if (monRight < x and monRight > mr) {
ml := monLeft
mt := monTop
mr := monRight
mb := monBottom
mi := mi + 1
return Abs(ml) != 10000
MoveCursorToMonitor(direction) {
if (GetCursorNearestMonitor(direction, ml, mt, mr, mb)) {
SetCursorPos((ml+mr)/2, (mt + mb)/2)
MoveWindowToMonitor(direction) {
if (GetCursorNearestMonitor(direction, ml, mt, mr, mb)) {
WinGetPos wx, wy, ww, wh, A
mw := mr - ml
mh := mb - mt
ww := mw * 0.8
wh := mh * 0.8
wx := ml + ww / 2
wy := mt + wh / 2
LogDebug("move win to mon: {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}", wx, wy, ww, wh)
WinMove, A,, wx, wy, ww, wh
SaveArrangement() {
@ -245,7 +326,8 @@ LoadArrangement() {
GetActiveWindowPath() {
WinGet processPath, ProcessPath, A
WinGetClass windowClass, A
return processPath . ":" . windowClass
GetActiveWindowMonGeometry(x, y, w, h)
return Format("{1}_{2}\{3}\{4}", w, h, processPath, windowClass)
IsActiveWindowSeen() {
@ -321,8 +403,15 @@ ActiveWinInfo() {
return Format("{1}:{2}[{3}]{4}", processPath, klass, id, title)
AdjustNewWindow() {
ArrangeActiveWindowFromStorage() {
windowPath := GetActiveWindowPath()
if ARRANGEMENT["windows"].HasKey(windowPath) {
AdjustNewWindow() {
seen := IsActiveWindowSeen()
arrangable := IsActiveWindowArrangable()
wininfo := ActiveWinInfo()
@ -330,18 +419,6 @@ AdjustNewWindow() {
LogDebug("win: {1}, seen: {2}, arrangable: {3}", wininfo, seen, arrangable)
if not seen and arrangable {
windowPath := GetActiveWindowPath()
if ARRANGEMENT["windows"].HasKey(windowPath) {
ToggleActiveWinMaximum() {
WinGet, isMax, MinMax, A
if (isMax) {
WinRestore, A
} else {
WinMaximize, A

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ CoordMode, Mouse, Screen ; mouse coordinates relative to the screen
; =========================
; =========================
global DEBUGGING := false
global DEBUGGING := true
ToggleDebugging() {
@ -25,12 +25,25 @@ LogDebug(params*) {
SetDisableLockWorkstationRegKeyValue(value) {
RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System, DisableLockWorkstation, %value%
LockWorkStation() {
SetDisableLockWorkstationRegKeyValue( 0 )
; Lock
DllCall( "User32\LockWorkStation" )
; Disable locking again
SetDisableLockWorkstationRegKeyValue( 1 )
; =========================
; =========================
SetDisableLockWorkstationRegKeyValue(1) ; in order to remap win+l
#Include, ahk\JSON.ahk
#Include, ahk\WindowManager.ahk
#Include, ahk\ClipboardManager.ahk
@ -57,20 +70,20 @@ InitClipboardManager()
; Win + \ => Toggle mute
#\::Send {Volume_Mute}
; Win + backspace => Lock
; Win + f => Toggle window maximum
#f:: ToggleActiveWinMaximum()
; Win + j => Focus right window
#j:: FocusWinByDirection("right")
; Win + k => Focus left window
#k:: FocusWinByDirection("left")
; Win + f => Move active window as monocle
; Win + Shift + j => Move active window to right side
; Win + Shift + k => Move active window to left side
; Win + Shift + b => Blacklist active window so it won't be arranged when launched
; Win + Shift + b => Whitelist active window so it always be arranged when launched
@ -79,6 +92,10 @@ InitClipboardManager()
; Win + Shift + d => Toggle debug logging
@ -110,3 +127,9 @@ InitClipboardManager()
; SetCapsLockState % !GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T")
; Return
; Capslock::return
MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
MsgBox, s: %MouseX%, sh: %MouseY%