#!/usr/bin/env lua --[[ requirement: sudo luarocks install http json-lua A simple HTTP server If a request is not a HEAD method, then reply with "Hello world!" Usage: lua examples/server_hello.lua [] ]] local http_server = require "http.server" local http_headers = require "http.headers" local json = require "JSON" local function NewHttpServer(host, port, handlers) local function reply(myserver, stream) -- luacheck: ignore 212 -- Read in headers local req_headers = assert(stream:get_headers()) local req_method = req_headers:get ":method" local req_path = req_headers:get ":path" -- Log request to stdout assert(io.stdout:write(string.format('[%s] "%s %s HTTP/%g" "%s" "%s"\n', os.date("%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z"), req_method or "", req_headers:get(":path") or "", stream.connection.version, req_headers:get("referer") or "-", req_headers:get("user-agent") or "-" ))) -- Handle request local status = 404 local res_body = { message = "Resource Not Found" } local handle_key = string.format("%s %s", req_method, req_path) local handler = handlers[handle_key] if handler then local req_body = nil if req_method == "POST" or req_method == "PUT" then req_body = json:decode(stream:get_body_as_string(0)) end status, res_body = handler(req_body, req_headers) status = status or 200 end -- Build response headers local res_headers = http_headers.new() res_headers:append(":status", tostring(status)) res_headers:append("content-type", "application/json") res_headers:append("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") -- Send headers to client; end the stream immediately if this was a HEAD request assert(stream:write_headers(res_headers, req_method == "HEAD")) if req_method ~= "HEAD" then -- Send body, ending the stream assert(stream:write_chunk(json:encode(res_body), true)) end end local myserver = assert(http_server.listen { host = host or "localhost"; port = port; onstream = reply; onerror = function(myserver, context, op, err, errno) -- luacheck: ignore 212 local msg = op .. " on " .. tostring(context) .. " failed" if err then msg = msg .. ": " .. tostring(err) end assert(io.stderr:write(msg, "\n")) end; }) assert(myserver:listen()) do local bound_port = select(3, myserver:localname()) assert(io.stderr:write(string.format("Now listening on port %d\n", bound_port))) end assert(myserver:loop()) return myserver end -- NewHttpServer("", 10200, { -- ["POST /test"] = function(body, _) -- return 200, { message = body } -- end, -- })