var beginPos, endPos function markBegin() { beginPos = mp.get_property('time-pos') mp.osd_message('Begin Position Marked at ' + beginPos) } function markEnd() { endPos = mp.get_property('time-pos') mp.osd_message('End Position Marked at ' + endPos) } function getMarked() { if (!beginPos && !endPos) { mp.osd_message('Please set Begin Position with Ctrl-b, End Position with Ctrl-e') return } var ss = beginPos || 0 var t = endPos || mp.get_property('duration') var path = mp.get_property('path') var dir_file = mp.utils.split_path(path) return { dir: dir_file[0], file: dir_file[1], path: path, ss: ss, t: t } } function outputMarked() { var m = getMarked() var output_dir = mp.utils.join_path(m.dir, 'clips') mp.utils.subprocess({ args: ['mkdir', '-p', output_dir], cancellable: false }) output_file = mp.utils.join_path(output_dir, m.file) mp.utils.subprocess({ args: ['ffmpeg', '-ss', ss, '-i', m.path, '-t', t, '-c', 'copy', output_file], cancellable: false }) mp.osd_message('Clip save to ' + output_file) } function copyCutCmd() { var m = getMarked() var cmd = 'ffmpeg -ss ' + + ' -i ' + "'" + m.file + "' -t " + m.t + " -c copy '"+m.file + "-" + (Math.floor( +"'" mp.utils.subprocess({ args: ['powershell', '-NoProfile', '-Command', 'Set-Clipboard "'+cmd+'"'], cancellable: false }) mp.osd_message("command has been copied to your clipboard") } mp.add_key_binding("ctrl+b", "mark_begin", markBegin); mp.add_key_binding("ctrl+e", "mark_end", markEnd); mp.add_key_binding("ctrl+o", "output_marked", outputMarked); mp.add_key_binding("ctrl+shift+o", "copy_cut_cmd", copyCutCmd);