var target, use_tls, editor; $('#get-services').click(function(){ // reset all selected list resetReqResData() removeRequestSelectedClass() var t = get_valid_target(); use_tls = "false"; var restart = "0" if($('#restart-conn').is(":checked")) { restart = "1" } if($('#use-tls').is(":checked")) { use_tls = "true" } // use metadata if there is any ctxArr = []; $(".ctx-metadata-input-field").each(function(index, val){ ctxArr.push($(val).text()) }); // determine whether the proto connection will use local proto or not const use_proto = $('#local-proto').is(":checked"); if (target != t || restart == "1" || use_proto) { target = t; } else { return false; } // prepare ajax options beforehand // makes it easier for local proto to modify some of its properties const ajaxProps = { url: "server/"+target+"/services?restart="+restart, global: true, method: "GET", success: function(res){ if (res.error) { target = ""; use_tls = ""; alert(res.error); return; } $("#select-service").html(new Option("Choose Service", "")); $.each(, (_, item) => $("#select-service").append(new Option(item, item))); $('#choose-service').show(); }, error: function(_, _, errorThrown) { target = ""; use_tls = ""; alert(errorThrown); }, beforeSend: function(xhr){ $('#choose-service').hide(); xhr.setRequestHeader('use_tls', use_tls); if(ctxUse) { xhr.setRequestHeader('Metadata', ctxArr); } $(this).html("Loading..."); show_loading(); }, complete: function(){ applyConnCount(); $(this).html(button); hide_loading(); } }; // modify ajax options if use local proto if (use_proto) { ajaxProps.method = "POST"; ajaxProps.enctype = "multipart/form-data"; ajaxProps.processData = false; ajaxProps.contentType = false; ajaxProps.cache = false; = getProtos(); } $('.other-elem').hide(); var button = $(this).html(); $.ajax(ajaxProps); }); $('#select-service').change(function(){ var selected = $(this).val(); if (selected == "") { return false; } $('#body-request').hide(); $('#response').hide(); $.ajax({ url: "server/"+target+"/service/"+selected+"/functions", global: true, method: "GET", success: function(res){ if (res.error) { alert(res.error); return; } $("#select-function").html(new Option("Choose Method", "")); $.each(, (_, item) => $("#select-function").append(new Option(item.substr(selected.length) , item))); $('#choose-function').show(); }, error: err, beforeSend: function(xhr){ $('#choose-function').hide(); xhr.setRequestHeader('use_tls', use_tls); show_loading(); }, complete: function(){ hide_loading(); } }); }); $('#select-function').change(function(){ var selected = $(this).val(); if (selected == "") { return false; } $('#response').hide(); $.ajax({ url: "server/"+target+"/function/"+selected+"/describe", global: true, method: "GET", success: function(res){ if (res.error) { alert(res.error); return; } generate_editor(; $("#schema-proto").html(PR.prettyPrintOne(; $('#body-request').show(); }, error: err, beforeSend: function(xhr){ $('#body-request').hide(); xhr.setRequestHeader('use_tls', use_tls); show_loading(); }, complete: function(){ hide_loading(); } }); }); $('#invoke-func').click(function(){ // use metadata if there is any ctxArr = []; $(".ctx-metadata-input-field").each(function(index, val){ ctxArr.push($(val).text()) }); var func = $('#select-function').val(); if (func == "") { return false; } var body = editor.getValue(); var button = $(this).html(); $.ajax({ url: "server/"+target+"/function/"+func+"/invoke", global: true, method: "POST", data: body, dataType: "json", success: function(res){ if (res.error) { alert(res.error); return; } $("#json-response").html(PR.prettyPrintOne(; $("#timer-resp span").html(; $('#response').show(); }, error: err, beforeSend: function(xhr){ $('#response').hide(); xhr.setRequestHeader('use_tls', use_tls); if(ctxUse) { xhr.setRequestHeader('Metadata', ctxArr); } $(this).html("Loading..."); show_loading(); }, complete: function(){ $(this).html(button); hide_loading(); } }); }); function generate_editor(content) { if(editor) { editor.setValue(content); return true; } $("#editor").html(content); editor = ace.edit("editor"); editor.setOptions({ maxLines: Infinity }); editor.renderer.setScrollMargin(10, 10, 10, 10); editor.setTheme("ace/theme/github"); editor.session.setMode("ace/mode/json"); editor.renderer.setShowGutter(false); } function get_valid_target() { t = $('#server-target').val().trim(); if (t == "") { return target; } ts = t.split("://"); if (ts.length > 1) { $('#server-target').val(ts[1]); return ts[1]; } return ts[0]; } function err(_, _, errorThrown) { alert(errorThrown); } function show_loading() { $('.spinner').show(); } function hide_loading() { $('.spinner').hide(); } $(".connections ul").on("click", "i", function(){ $icon = $(this); $parent = $(this).parent("li"); var ip = $(this).siblings("span").text(); $.ajax({ url: "active/close/" + ip, global: true, method: "DELETE", success: function(res){ $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip('hide'); if( { $parent.remove(); updateCountNum(); } }, error: err, beforeSend: function(xhr){ $icon.attr('class', 'fa fa-spinner'); }, }); }); function updateCountNum() { $(".connections .title span").html($(".connections ul li").length); } function applyConnCount() { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip('hide'); $.ajax({ url: "active/get", global: true, method: "GET", success: function(res){ $(".connections .title span").html(; $(".connections .nav").html("");{ $list = $("#conn-list-template").clone(); $list.find(".ip").html(item); $(".connections .nav").append($list.html()); }); refreshToolTip(); }, error: function (_, _, thrownError) { console.warn("Failed to update active connections", thrownError) }, }); } function refreshConnCount() { applyConnCount(); setTimeout(refreshConnCount, 10000); } function refreshToolTip() { $(function () { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip('dispose'); $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); }) } $(document).ready(function(){ refreshConnCount(); });