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package grpcurl
import (
// InvocationEventHandler is a bag of callbacks for handling events that occur in the course
// of invoking an RPC. The handler also provides request data that is sent. The callbacks are
// generally called in the order they are listed below.
type InvocationEventHandler interface {
// OnResolveMethod is called with a descriptor of the method that is being invoked.
// OnSendHeaders is called with the request metadata that is being sent.
// OnReceiveHeaders is called when response headers have been received.
// OnReceiveResponse is called for each response message received.
// OnReceiveTrailers is called when response trailers and final RPC status have been received.
OnReceiveTrailers(*status.Status, metadata.MD)
// RequestMessageSupplier is a function that is called to retrieve request
// messages for a GRPC operation. This type is deprecated and will be removed in
// a future release.
// Deprecated: This is only used with the deprecated InvokeRpc. Instead, use
// RequestSupplier with InvokeRPC.
type RequestMessageSupplier func() ([]byte, error)
// InvokeRpc uses the given gRPC connection to invoke the given method. This function is deprecated
// and will be removed in a future release. It just delegates to the similarly named InvokeRPC
// method, whose signature is only slightly different.
// Deprecated: use InvokeRPC instead.
func InvokeRpc(ctx context.Context, source DescriptorSource, cc *grpc.ClientConn, methodName string,
headers []string, handler InvocationEventHandler, requestData RequestMessageSupplier) error {
return InvokeRPC(ctx, source, cc, methodName, headers, handler, func(m proto.Message) error {
// New function is almost identical, but the request supplier function works differently.
// So we adapt the logic here to maintain compatibility.
data, err := requestData()
if err != nil {
return err
return jsonpb.Unmarshal(bytes.NewReader(data), m)
// RequestSupplier is a function that is called to populate messages for a gRPC operation. The
// function should populate the given message or return a non-nil error. If the supplier has no
// more messages, it should return io.EOF. When it returns io.EOF, it should not in any way
// modify the given message argument.
type RequestSupplier func(proto.Message) error
// InvokeRPC uses the given gRPC channel to invoke the given method. The given descriptor source
// is used to determine the type of method and the type of request and response message. The given
// headers are sent as request metadata. Methods on the given event handler are called as the
// invocation proceeds.
// The given requestData function supplies the actual data to send. It should return io.EOF when
// there is no more request data. If the method being invoked is a unary or server-streaming RPC
// (e.g. exactly one request message) and there is no request data (e.g. the first invocation of
// the function returns io.EOF), then an empty request message is sent.
// If the requestData function and the given event handler coordinate or share any state, they should
// be thread-safe. This is because the requestData function may be called from a different goroutine
// than the one invoking event callbacks. (This only happens for bi-directional streaming RPCs, where
// one goroutine sends request messages and another consumes the response messages).
func InvokeRPC(ctx context.Context, source DescriptorSource, ch grpcdynamic.Channel, methodName string,
headers []string, handler InvocationEventHandler, requestData RequestSupplier) error {
md := MetadataFromHeaders(headers)
svc, mth := parseSymbol(methodName)
if svc == "" || mth == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("given method name %q is not in expected format: 'service/method' or 'service.method'", methodName)
dsc, err := source.FindSymbol(svc)
if err != nil {
if isNotFoundError(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("target server does not expose service %q", svc)
return fmt.Errorf("failed to query for service descriptor %q: %v", svc, err)
sd, ok := dsc.(*desc.ServiceDescriptor)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("target server does not expose service %q", svc)
mtd := sd.FindMethodByName(mth)
if mtd == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("service %q does not include a method named %q", svc, mth)
// we also download any applicable extensions so we can provide full support for parsing user-provided data
var ext dynamic.ExtensionRegistry
alreadyFetched := map[string]bool{}
if err = fetchAllExtensions(source, &ext, mtd.GetInputType(), alreadyFetched); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error resolving server extensions for message %s: %v", mtd.GetInputType().GetFullyQualifiedName(), err)
if err = fetchAllExtensions(source, &ext, mtd.GetOutputType(), alreadyFetched); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error resolving server extensions for message %s: %v", mtd.GetOutputType().GetFullyQualifiedName(), err)
msgFactory := dynamic.NewMessageFactoryWithExtensionRegistry(&ext)
req := msgFactory.NewMessage(mtd.GetInputType())
ctx = metadata.NewOutgoingContext(ctx, md)
stub := grpcdynamic.NewStubWithMessageFactory(ch, msgFactory)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
if mtd.IsClientStreaming() && mtd.IsServerStreaming() {
return invokeBidi(ctx, stub, mtd, handler, requestData, req)
} else if mtd.IsClientStreaming() {
return invokeClientStream(ctx, stub, mtd, handler, requestData, req)
} else if mtd.IsServerStreaming() {
return invokeServerStream(ctx, stub, mtd, handler, requestData, req)
} else {
return invokeUnary(ctx, stub, mtd, handler, requestData, req)
func invokeUnary(ctx context.Context, stub grpcdynamic.Stub, md *desc.MethodDescriptor, handler InvocationEventHandler,
requestData RequestSupplier, req proto.Message) error {
err := requestData(req)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return fmt.Errorf("error getting request data: %v", err)
if err != io.EOF {
// verify there is no second message, which is a usage error
err := requestData(req)
if err == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("method %q is a unary RPC, but request data contained more than 1 message", md.GetFullyQualifiedName())
} else if err != io.EOF {
return fmt.Errorf("error getting request data: %v", err)
// Now we can actually invoke the RPC!
var respHeaders metadata.MD
var respTrailers metadata.MD
resp, err := stub.InvokeRpc(ctx, md, req, grpc.Trailer(&respTrailers), grpc.Header(&respHeaders))
stat, ok := status.FromError(err)
if !ok {
// Error codes sent from the server will get printed differently below.
// So just bail for other kinds of errors here.
return fmt.Errorf("grpc call for %q failed: %v", md.GetFullyQualifiedName(), err)
if stat.Code() == codes.OK {
handler.OnReceiveTrailers(stat, respTrailers)
return nil
func invokeClientStream(ctx context.Context, stub grpcdynamic.Stub, md *desc.MethodDescriptor, handler InvocationEventHandler,
requestData RequestSupplier, req proto.Message) error {
// invoke the RPC!
str, err := stub.InvokeRpcClientStream(ctx, md)
// Upload each request message in the stream
var resp proto.Message
for err == nil {
err = requestData(req)
if err == io.EOF {
resp, err = str.CloseAndReceive()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error getting request data: %v", err)
err = str.SendMsg(req)
if err == io.EOF {
// We get EOF on send if the server says "go away"
// We have to use CloseAndReceive to get the actual code
resp, err = str.CloseAndReceive()
// finally, process response data
stat, ok := status.FromError(err)
if !ok {
// Error codes sent from the server will get printed differently below.
// So just bail for other kinds of errors here.
return fmt.Errorf("grpc call for %q failed: %v", md.GetFullyQualifiedName(), err)
if respHeaders, err := str.Header(); err == nil {
if stat.Code() == codes.OK {
handler.OnReceiveTrailers(stat, str.Trailer())
return nil
func invokeServerStream(ctx context.Context, stub grpcdynamic.Stub, md *desc.MethodDescriptor, handler InvocationEventHandler,
requestData RequestSupplier, req proto.Message) error {
err := requestData(req)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return fmt.Errorf("error getting request data: %v", err)
if err != io.EOF {
// verify there is no second message, which is a usage error
err := requestData(req)
if err == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("method %q is a server-streaming RPC, but request data contained more than 1 message", md.GetFullyQualifiedName())
} else if err != io.EOF {
return fmt.Errorf("error getting request data: %v", err)
// Now we can actually invoke the RPC!
str, err := stub.InvokeRpcServerStream(ctx, md, req)
if respHeaders, err := str.Header(); err == nil {
// Download each response message
for err == nil {
var resp proto.Message
resp, err = str.RecvMsg()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
err = nil
stat, ok := status.FromError(err)
if !ok {
// Error codes sent from the server will get printed differently below.
// So just bail for other kinds of errors here.
return fmt.Errorf("grpc call for %q failed: %v", md.GetFullyQualifiedName(), err)
handler.OnReceiveTrailers(stat, str.Trailer())
return nil
func invokeBidi(ctx context.Context, stub grpcdynamic.Stub, md *desc.MethodDescriptor, handler InvocationEventHandler,
requestData RequestSupplier, req proto.Message) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
// invoke the RPC!
str, err := stub.InvokeRpcBidiStream(ctx, md)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var sendErr atomic.Value
defer wg.Wait()
if err == nil {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
// Concurrently upload each request message in the stream
var err error
for err == nil {
err = requestData(req)
if err == io.EOF {
err = str.CloseSend()
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error getting request data: %v", err)
err = str.SendMsg(req)
if err != nil {
if respHeaders, err := str.Header(); err == nil {
// Download each response message
for err == nil {
var resp proto.Message
resp, err = str.RecvMsg()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
err = nil
if se, ok := sendErr.Load().(error); ok && se != io.EOF {
err = se
stat, ok := status.FromError(err)
if !ok {
// Error codes sent from the server will get printed differently below.
// So just bail for other kinds of errors here.
return fmt.Errorf("grpc call for %q failed: %v", md.GetFullyQualifiedName(), err)
handler.OnReceiveTrailers(stat, str.Trailer())
return nil
type notFoundError string
func notFound(kind, name string) error {
return notFoundError(fmt.Sprintf("%s not found: %s", kind, name))
func (e notFoundError) Error() string {
return string(e)
func isNotFoundError(err error) bool {
if grpcreflect.IsElementNotFoundError(err) {
return true
_, ok := err.(notFoundError)
return ok
func parseSymbol(svcAndMethod string) (string, string) {
pos := strings.LastIndex(svcAndMethod, "/")
if pos < 0 {
pos = strings.LastIndex(svcAndMethod, ".")
if pos < 0 {
return "", ""
return svcAndMethod[:pos], svcAndMethod[pos+1:]