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package desc
import (
dpb "github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go/descriptor"
// Descriptor is the common interface implemented by all descriptor objects.
type Descriptor interface {
// GetName returns the name of the object described by the descriptor. This will
// be a base name that does not include enclosing message names or the package name.
// For file descriptors, this indicates the path and name to the described file.
GetName() string
// GetFullyQualifiedName returns the fully-qualified name of the object described by
// the descriptor. This will include the package name and any enclosing message names.
// For file descriptors, this returns the path and name to the described file (same as
// GetName).
GetFullyQualifiedName() string
// GetParent returns the enclosing element in a proto source file. If the described
// object is a top-level object, this returns the file descriptor. Otherwise, it returns
// the element in which the described object was declared. File descriptors have no
// parent and return nil.
GetParent() Descriptor
// GetFile returns the file descriptor in which this element was declared. File
// descriptors return themselves.
GetFile() *FileDescriptor
// GetOptions returns the options proto containing options for the described element.
GetOptions() proto.Message
// GetSourceInfo returns any source code information that was present in the file
// descriptor. Source code info is optional. If no source code info is available for
// the element (including if there is none at all in the file descriptor) then this
// returns nil
GetSourceInfo() *dpb.SourceCodeInfo_Location
// AsProto returns the underlying descriptor proto for this descriptor.
AsProto() proto.Message
type sourceInfoRecomputeFunc = internal.SourceInfoComputeFunc
// FileDescriptor describes a proto source file.
type FileDescriptor struct {
proto *dpb.FileDescriptorProto
symbols map[string]Descriptor
deps []*FileDescriptor
publicDeps []*FileDescriptor
weakDeps []*FileDescriptor
messages []*MessageDescriptor
enums []*EnumDescriptor
extensions []*FieldDescriptor
services []*ServiceDescriptor
fieldIndex map[string]map[int32]*FieldDescriptor
isProto3 bool
sourceInfo internal.SourceInfoMap
func (fd *FileDescriptor) recomputeSourceInfo() {
internal.PopulateSourceInfoMap(fd.proto, fd.sourceInfo)
func (fd *FileDescriptor) registerField(field *FieldDescriptor) {
fields := fd.fieldIndex[field.owner.GetFullyQualifiedName()]
if fields == nil {
fields = map[int32]*FieldDescriptor{}
fd.fieldIndex[field.owner.GetFullyQualifiedName()] = fields
fields[field.GetNumber()] = field
// GetName returns the name of the file, as it was given to the protoc invocation
// to compile it, possibly including path (relative to a directory in the proto
// import path).
func (fd *FileDescriptor) GetName() string {
return fd.proto.GetName()
// GetFullyQualifiedName returns the name of the file, same as GetName. It is
// present to satisfy the Descriptor interface.
func (fd *FileDescriptor) GetFullyQualifiedName() string {
return fd.proto.GetName()
// GetPackage returns the name of the package declared in the file.
func (fd *FileDescriptor) GetPackage() string {
return fd.proto.GetPackage()
// GetParent always returns nil: files are the root of descriptor hierarchies.
// Is it present to satisfy the Descriptor interface.
func (fd *FileDescriptor) GetParent() Descriptor {
return nil
// GetFile returns the receiver, which is a file descriptor. This is present
// to satisfy the Descriptor interface.
func (fd *FileDescriptor) GetFile() *FileDescriptor {
return fd
// GetOptions returns the file's options. Most usages will be more interested
// in GetFileOptions, which has a concrete return type. This generic version
// is present to satisfy the Descriptor interface.
func (fd *FileDescriptor) GetOptions() proto.Message {
return fd.proto.GetOptions()
// GetFileOptions returns the file's options.
func (fd *FileDescriptor) GetFileOptions() *dpb.FileOptions {
return fd.proto.GetOptions()
// GetSourceInfo returns nil for files. It is present to satisfy the Descriptor
// interface.
func (fd *FileDescriptor) GetSourceInfo() *dpb.SourceCodeInfo_Location {
return nil
// AsProto returns the underlying descriptor proto. Most usages will be more
// interested in AsFileDescriptorProto, which has a concrete return type. This
// generic version is present to satisfy the Descriptor interface.
func (fd *FileDescriptor) AsProto() proto.Message {
return fd.proto
// AsFileDescriptorProto returns the underlying descriptor proto.
func (fd *FileDescriptor) AsFileDescriptorProto() *dpb.FileDescriptorProto {
return fd.proto
// String returns the underlying descriptor proto, in compact text format.
func (fd *FileDescriptor) String() string {
return fd.proto.String()
// IsProto3 returns true if the file declares a syntax of "proto3".
func (fd *FileDescriptor) IsProto3() bool {
return fd.isProto3
// GetDependencies returns all of this file's dependencies. These correspond to
// import statements in the file.
func (fd *FileDescriptor) GetDependencies() []*FileDescriptor {
return fd.deps
// GetPublicDependencies returns all of this file's public dependencies. These
// correspond to public import statements in the file.
func (fd *FileDescriptor) GetPublicDependencies() []*FileDescriptor {
return fd.publicDeps
// GetWeakDependencies returns all of this file's weak dependencies. These
// correspond to weak import statements in the file.
func (fd *FileDescriptor) GetWeakDependencies() []*FileDescriptor {
return fd.weakDeps
// GetMessageTypes returns all top-level messages declared in this file.
func (fd *FileDescriptor) GetMessageTypes() []*MessageDescriptor {
return fd.messages
// GetEnumTypes returns all top-level enums declared in this file.
func (fd *FileDescriptor) GetEnumTypes() []*EnumDescriptor {
return fd.enums
// GetExtensions returns all top-level extensions declared in this file.
func (fd *FileDescriptor) GetExtensions() []*FieldDescriptor {
return fd.extensions
// GetServices returns all services declared in this file.
func (fd *FileDescriptor) GetServices() []*ServiceDescriptor {
return fd.services
// FindSymbol returns the descriptor contained within this file for the
// element with the given fully-qualified symbol name. If no such element
// exists then this method returns nil.
func (fd *FileDescriptor) FindSymbol(symbol string) Descriptor {
if symbol[0] == '.' {
symbol = symbol[1:]
return fd.symbols[symbol]
// FindMessage finds the message with the given fully-qualified name. If no
// such element exists in this file then nil is returned.
func (fd *FileDescriptor) FindMessage(msgName string) *MessageDescriptor {
if md, ok := fd.symbols[msgName].(*MessageDescriptor); ok {
return md
} else {
return nil
// FindEnum finds the enum with the given fully-qualified name. If no such
// element exists in this file then nil is returned.
func (fd *FileDescriptor) FindEnum(enumName string) *EnumDescriptor {
if ed, ok := fd.symbols[enumName].(*EnumDescriptor); ok {
return ed
} else {
return nil
// FindService finds the service with the given fully-qualified name. If no
// such element exists in this file then nil is returned.
func (fd *FileDescriptor) FindService(serviceName string) *ServiceDescriptor {
if sd, ok := fd.symbols[serviceName].(*ServiceDescriptor); ok {
return sd
} else {
return nil
// FindExtension finds the extension field for the given extended type name and
// tag number. If no such element exists in this file then nil is returned.
func (fd *FileDescriptor) FindExtension(extendeeName string, tagNumber int32) *FieldDescriptor {
if exd, ok := fd.fieldIndex[extendeeName][tagNumber]; ok && exd.IsExtension() {
return exd
} else {
return nil
// FindExtensionByName finds the extension field with the given fully-qualified
// name. If no such element exists in this file then nil is returned.
func (fd *FileDescriptor) FindExtensionByName(extName string) *FieldDescriptor {
if exd, ok := fd.symbols[extName].(*FieldDescriptor); ok && exd.IsExtension() {
return exd
} else {
return nil
// MessageDescriptor describes a protocol buffer message.
type MessageDescriptor struct {
proto *dpb.DescriptorProto
parent Descriptor
file *FileDescriptor
fields []*FieldDescriptor
nested []*MessageDescriptor
enums []*EnumDescriptor
extensions []*FieldDescriptor
oneOfs []*OneOfDescriptor
extRanges extRanges
fqn string
sourceInfoPath []int32
jsonNames jsonNameMap
isProto3 bool
isMapEntry bool
func createMessageDescriptor(fd *FileDescriptor, parent Descriptor, enclosing string, md *dpb.DescriptorProto, symbols map[string]Descriptor) (*MessageDescriptor, string) {
msgName := merge(enclosing, md.GetName())
ret := &MessageDescriptor{proto: md, parent: parent, file: fd, fqn: msgName}
for _, f := range md.GetField() {
fld, n := createFieldDescriptor(fd, ret, msgName, f)
symbols[n] = fld
ret.fields = append(ret.fields, fld)
for _, nm := range md.NestedType {
nmd, n := createMessageDescriptor(fd, ret, msgName, nm, symbols)
symbols[n] = nmd
ret.nested = append(ret.nested, nmd)
for _, e := range md.EnumType {
ed, n := createEnumDescriptor(fd, ret, msgName, e, symbols)
symbols[n] = ed
ret.enums = append(ret.enums, ed)
for _, ex := range md.GetExtension() {
exd, n := createFieldDescriptor(fd, ret, msgName, ex)
symbols[n] = exd
ret.extensions = append(ret.extensions, exd)
for i, o := range md.GetOneofDecl() {
od, n := createOneOfDescriptor(fd, ret, i, msgName, o)
symbols[n] = od
ret.oneOfs = append(ret.oneOfs, od)
for _, r := range md.GetExtensionRange() {
// proto.ExtensionRange is inclusive (and that's how extension ranges are defined in code).
// but protoc converts range to exclusive end in descriptor, so we must convert back
end := r.GetEnd() - 1
ret.extRanges = append(ret.extRanges, proto.ExtensionRange{
Start: r.GetStart(),
End: end})
ret.isProto3 = fd.isProto3
ret.isMapEntry = md.GetOptions().GetMapEntry() &&
len(ret.fields) == 2 &&
ret.fields[0].GetNumber() == 1 &&
ret.fields[1].GetNumber() == 2
return ret, msgName
func (md *MessageDescriptor) resolve(path []int32, scopes []scope) error {
md.sourceInfoPath = append([]int32(nil), path...) // defensive copy
path = append(path, internal.Message_nestedMessagesTag)
scopes = append(scopes, messageScope(md))
for i, nmd := range md.nested {
if err := nmd.resolve(append(path, int32(i)), scopes); err != nil {
return err
path[len(path)-1] = internal.Message_enumsTag
for i, ed := range md.enums {
ed.resolve(append(path, int32(i)))
path[len(path)-1] = internal.Message_fieldsTag
for i, fld := range md.fields {
if err := fld.resolve(append(path, int32(i)), scopes); err != nil {
return err
path[len(path)-1] = internal.Message_extensionsTag
for i, exd := range md.extensions {
if err := exd.resolve(append(path, int32(i)), scopes); err != nil {
return err
path[len(path)-1] = internal.Message_oneOfsTag
for i, od := range md.oneOfs {
od.resolve(append(path, int32(i)))
return nil
// GetName returns the simple (unqualified) name of the message.
func (md *MessageDescriptor) GetName() string {
return md.proto.GetName()
// GetFullyQualifiedName returns the fully qualified name of the message. This
// includes the package name (if there is one) as well as the names of any
// enclosing messages.
func (md *MessageDescriptor) GetFullyQualifiedName() string {
return md.fqn
// GetParent returns the message's enclosing descriptor. For top-level messages,
// this will be a file descriptor. Otherwise it will be the descriptor for the
// enclosing message.
func (md *MessageDescriptor) GetParent() Descriptor {
return md.parent
// GetFile returns the descriptor for the file in which this message is defined.
func (md *MessageDescriptor) GetFile() *FileDescriptor {
return md.file
// GetOptions returns the message's options. Most usages will be more interested
// in GetMessageOptions, which has a concrete return type. This generic version
// is present to satisfy the Descriptor interface.
func (md *MessageDescriptor) GetOptions() proto.Message {
return md.proto.GetOptions()
// GetMessageOptions returns the message's options.
func (md *MessageDescriptor) GetMessageOptions() *dpb.MessageOptions {
return md.proto.GetOptions()
// GetSourceInfo returns source info for the message, if present in the
// descriptor. Not all descriptors will contain source info. If non-nil, the
// returned info contains information about the location in the file where the
// message was defined and also contains comments associated with the message
// definition.
func (md *MessageDescriptor) GetSourceInfo() *dpb.SourceCodeInfo_Location {
return md.file.sourceInfo.Get(md.sourceInfoPath)
// AsProto returns the underlying descriptor proto. Most usages will be more
// interested in AsDescriptorProto, which has a concrete return type. This
// generic version is present to satisfy the Descriptor interface.
func (md *MessageDescriptor) AsProto() proto.Message {
return md.proto
// AsDescriptorProto returns the underlying descriptor proto.
func (md *MessageDescriptor) AsDescriptorProto() *dpb.DescriptorProto {
return md.proto
// String returns the underlying descriptor proto, in compact text format.
func (md *MessageDescriptor) String() string {
return md.proto.String()
// IsMapEntry returns true if this is a synthetic message type that represents an entry
// in a map field.
func (md *MessageDescriptor) IsMapEntry() bool {
return md.isMapEntry
// GetFields returns all of the fields for this message.
func (md *MessageDescriptor) GetFields() []*FieldDescriptor {
return md.fields
// GetNestedMessageTypes returns all of the message types declared inside this message.
func (md *MessageDescriptor) GetNestedMessageTypes() []*MessageDescriptor {
return md.nested
// GetNestedEnumTypes returns all of the enums declared inside this message.
func (md *MessageDescriptor) GetNestedEnumTypes() []*EnumDescriptor {
return md.enums
// GetNestedExtensions returns all of the extensions declared inside this message.
func (md *MessageDescriptor) GetNestedExtensions() []*FieldDescriptor {
return md.extensions
// GetOneOfs returns all of the one-of field sets declared inside this message.
func (md *MessageDescriptor) GetOneOfs() []*OneOfDescriptor {
return md.oneOfs
// IsProto3 returns true if the file in which this message is defined declares a syntax of "proto3".
func (md *MessageDescriptor) IsProto3() bool {
return md.isProto3
// GetExtensionRanges returns the ranges of extension field numbers for this message.
func (md *MessageDescriptor) GetExtensionRanges() []proto.ExtensionRange {
return md.extRanges
// IsExtendable returns true if this message has any extension ranges.
func (md *MessageDescriptor) IsExtendable() bool {
return len(md.extRanges) > 0
// IsExtension returns true if the given tag number is within any of this message's
// extension ranges.
func (md *MessageDescriptor) IsExtension(tagNumber int32) bool {
return md.extRanges.IsExtension(tagNumber)
type extRanges []proto.ExtensionRange
func (er extRanges) String() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
first := true
for _, r := range er {
if first {
first = false
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d..%d", r.Start, r.End)
return buf.String()
func (er extRanges) IsExtension(tagNumber int32) bool {
i := sort.Search(len(er), func(i int) bool { return er[i].End >= tagNumber })
return i < len(er) && tagNumber >= er[i].Start
func (er extRanges) Len() int {
return len(er)
func (er extRanges) Less(i, j int) bool {
return er[i].Start < er[j].Start
func (er extRanges) Swap(i, j int) {
er[i], er[j] = er[j], er[i]
// FindFieldByName finds the field with the given name. If no such field exists
// then nil is returned. Only regular fields are returned, not extensions.
func (md *MessageDescriptor) FindFieldByName(fieldName string) *FieldDescriptor {
fqn := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", md.fqn, fieldName)
if fd, ok := md.file.symbols[fqn].(*FieldDescriptor); ok && !fd.IsExtension() {
return fd
} else {
return nil
// FindFieldByNumber finds the field with the given tag number. If no such field
// exists then nil is returned. Only regular fields are returned, not extensions.
func (md *MessageDescriptor) FindFieldByNumber(tagNumber int32) *FieldDescriptor {
if fd, ok := md.file.fieldIndex[md.fqn][tagNumber]; ok && !fd.IsExtension() {
return fd
} else {
return nil
// FieldDescriptor describes a field of a protocol buffer message.
type FieldDescriptor struct {
proto *dpb.FieldDescriptorProto
parent Descriptor
owner *MessageDescriptor
file *FileDescriptor
oneOf *OneOfDescriptor
msgType *MessageDescriptor
enumType *EnumDescriptor
fqn string
sourceInfoPath []int32
def memoizedDefault
isMap bool
func createFieldDescriptor(fd *FileDescriptor, parent Descriptor, enclosing string, fld *dpb.FieldDescriptorProto) (*FieldDescriptor, string) {
fldName := merge(enclosing, fld.GetName())
ret := &FieldDescriptor{proto: fld, parent: parent, file: fd, fqn: fldName}
if fld.GetExtendee() == "" {
ret.owner = parent.(*MessageDescriptor)
// owner for extensions, field type (be it message or enum), and one-ofs get resolved later
return ret, fldName
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) resolve(path []int32, scopes []scope) error {
if fd.proto.OneofIndex != nil && fd.oneOf == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not link field %s to one-of index %d", fd.fqn, *fd.proto.OneofIndex)
fd.sourceInfoPath = append([]int32(nil), path...) // defensive copy
if fd.proto.GetType() == dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_ENUM {
if desc, err := resolve(fd.file, fd.proto.GetTypeName(), scopes); err != nil {
return err
} else {
fd.enumType = desc.(*EnumDescriptor)
if fd.proto.GetType() == dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_MESSAGE || fd.proto.GetType() == dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_GROUP {
if desc, err := resolve(fd.file, fd.proto.GetTypeName(), scopes); err != nil {
return err
} else {
fd.msgType = desc.(*MessageDescriptor)
if fd.proto.GetExtendee() != "" {
if desc, err := resolve(fd.file, fd.proto.GetExtendee(), scopes); err != nil {
return err
} else {
fd.owner = desc.(*MessageDescriptor)
fd.isMap = fd.proto.GetLabel() == dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_LABEL_REPEATED &&
fd.proto.GetType() == dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_MESSAGE &&
return nil
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) determineDefault() interface{} {
if fd.IsMap() {
return map[interface{}]interface{}(nil)
} else if fd.IsRepeated() {
return []interface{}(nil)
} else if fd.msgType != nil {
return nil
proto3 := fd.file.isProto3
if !proto3 {
def := fd.AsFieldDescriptorProto().GetDefaultValue()
if def != "" {
ret := parseDefaultValue(fd, def)
if ret != nil {
return ret
// if we can't parse default value, fall-through to return normal default...
switch fd.GetType() {
case dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_FIXED32,
return uint32(0)
case dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_SFIXED32,
return int32(0)
case dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_FIXED64,
return uint64(0)
case dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_SFIXED64,
return int64(0)
case dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_FLOAT:
return float32(0.0)
case dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_DOUBLE:
return float64(0.0)
case dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_BOOL:
return false
case dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_BYTES:
return []byte(nil)
case dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_STRING:
return ""
case dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_ENUM:
if proto3 {
return int32(0)
enumVals := fd.GetEnumType().GetValues()
if len(enumVals) > 0 {
return enumVals[0].GetNumber()
} else {
return int32(0) // WTF?
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown field type: %v", fd.GetType()))
func parseDefaultValue(fd *FieldDescriptor, val string) interface{} {
switch fd.GetType() {
case dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_ENUM:
vd := fd.GetEnumType().FindValueByName(val)
if vd != nil {
return vd.GetNumber()
return nil
case dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_BOOL:
if val == "true" {
return true
} else if val == "false" {
return false
return nil
case dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_BYTES:
return []byte(unescape(val))
case dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_STRING:
return val
case dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_FLOAT:
if f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(val, 32); err == nil {
return float32(f)
} else {
return float32(0)
case dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_DOUBLE:
if f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(val, 64); err == nil {
return f
} else {
return float64(0)
case dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_INT32,
if i, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 32); err == nil {
return int32(i)
} else {
return int32(0)
case dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_UINT32,
if i, err := strconv.ParseUint(val, 10, 32); err == nil {
return uint32(i)
} else {
return uint32(0)
case dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_INT64,
if i, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64); err == nil {
return i
} else {
return int64(0)
case dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_TYPE_UINT64,
if i, err := strconv.ParseUint(val, 10, 64); err == nil {
return i
} else {
return uint64(0)
return nil
func unescape(s string) string {
// protoc encodes default values for 'bytes' fields using C escaping,
// so this function reverses that escaping
out := make([]byte, 0, len(s))
var buf [4]byte
for len(s) > 0 {
if s[0] != '\\' || len(s) < 2 {
// not escape sequence, or too short to be well-formed escape
out = append(out, s[0])
s = s[1:]
} else if s[1] == 'x' || s[1] == 'X' {
n := matchPrefix(s[2:], 2, isHex)
if n == 0 {
// bad escape
out = append(out, s[:2]...)
s = s[2:]
} else {
c, err := strconv.ParseUint(s[2:2+n], 16, 8)
if err != nil {
// shouldn't really happen...
out = append(out, s[:2+n]...)
} else {
out = append(out, byte(c))
s = s[2+n:]
} else if s[1] >= '0' && s[1] <= '7' {
n := 1 + matchPrefix(s[2:], 2, isOctal)
c, err := strconv.ParseUint(s[1:1+n], 8, 8)
if err != nil || c > 0xff {
out = append(out, s[:1+n]...)
} else {
out = append(out, byte(c))
s = s[1+n:]
} else if s[1] == 'u' {
if len(s) < 6 {
// bad escape
out = append(out, s...)
s = s[len(s):]
} else {
c, err := strconv.ParseUint(s[2:6], 16, 16)
if err != nil {
// bad escape
out = append(out, s[:6]...)
} else {
w := utf8.EncodeRune(buf[:], rune(c))
out = append(out, buf[:w]...)
s = s[6:]
} else if s[1] == 'U' {
if len(s) < 10 {
// bad escape
out = append(out, s...)
s = s[len(s):]
} else {
c, err := strconv.ParseUint(s[2:10], 16, 32)
if err != nil || c > 0x10ffff {
// bad escape
out = append(out, s[:10]...)
} else {
w := utf8.EncodeRune(buf[:], rune(c))
out = append(out, buf[:w]...)
s = s[10:]
} else {
switch s[1] {
case 'a':
out = append(out, '\a')
case 'b':
out = append(out, '\b')
case 'f':
out = append(out, '\f')
case 'n':
out = append(out, '\n')
case 'r':
out = append(out, '\r')
case 't':
out = append(out, '\t')
case 'v':
out = append(out, '\v')
case '\\':
out = append(out, '\\')
case '\'':
out = append(out, '\'')
case '"':
out = append(out, '"')
case '?':
out = append(out, '?')
// invalid escape, just copy it as-is
out = append(out, s[:2]...)
s = s[2:]
return string(out)
func isOctal(b byte) bool { return b >= '0' && b <= '7' }
func isHex(b byte) bool {
return (b >= '0' && b <= '9') || (b >= 'a' && b <= 'f') || (b >= 'A' && b <= 'F')
func matchPrefix(s string, limit int, fn func(byte) bool) int {
l := len(s)
if l > limit {
l = limit
i := 0
for ; i < l; i++ {
if !fn(s[i]) {
return i
return i
// GetName returns the name of the field.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) GetName() string {
return fd.proto.GetName()
// GetNumber returns the tag number of this field.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) GetNumber() int32 {
return fd.proto.GetNumber()
// GetFullyQualifiedName returns the fully qualified name of the field. Unlike
// GetName, this includes fully qualified name of the enclosing message for
// regular fields.
// For extension fields, this includes the package (if there is one) as well as
// any enclosing messages. The package and/or enclosing messages are for where
// the extension is defined, not the message it extends.
// If this field is part of a one-of, the fully qualified name does *not*
// include the name of the one-of, only of the enclosing message.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) GetFullyQualifiedName() string {
return fd.fqn
// GetParent returns the fields's enclosing descriptor. For normal
// (non-extension) fields, this is the enclosing message. For extensions, this
// is the descriptor in which the extension is defined, not the message that is
// extended. The parent for an extension may be a file descriptor or a message,
// depending on where the extension is defined.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) GetParent() Descriptor {
return fd.parent
// GetFile returns the descriptor for the file in which this field is defined.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) GetFile() *FileDescriptor {
return fd.file
// GetOptions returns the field's options. Most usages will be more interested
// in GetFieldOptions, which has a concrete return type. This generic version
// is present to satisfy the Descriptor interface.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) GetOptions() proto.Message {
return fd.proto.GetOptions()
// GetFieldOptions returns the field's options.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) GetFieldOptions() *dpb.FieldOptions {
return fd.proto.GetOptions()
// GetSourceInfo returns source info for the field, if present in the
// descriptor. Not all descriptors will contain source info. If non-nil, the
// returned info contains information about the location in the file where the
// field was defined and also contains comments associated with the field
// definition.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) GetSourceInfo() *dpb.SourceCodeInfo_Location {
return fd.file.sourceInfo.Get(fd.sourceInfoPath)
// AsProto returns the underlying descriptor proto. Most usages will be more
// interested in AsFieldDescriptorProto, which has a concrete return type. This
// generic version is present to satisfy the Descriptor interface.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) AsProto() proto.Message {
return fd.proto
// AsFieldDescriptorProto returns the underlying descriptor proto.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) AsFieldDescriptorProto() *dpb.FieldDescriptorProto {
return fd.proto
// String returns the underlying descriptor proto, in compact text format.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) String() string {
return fd.proto.String()
// GetJSONName returns the name of the field as referenced in the message's JSON
// format.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) GetJSONName() string {
if jsonName := fd.proto.GetJsonName(); jsonName != "" {
return jsonName
return fd.proto.GetName()
// GetFullyQualifiedJSONName returns the JSON format name (same as GetJSONName),
// but includes the fully qualified name of the enclosing message.
// If the field is an extension, it will return the package name (if there is
// one) as well as the names of any enclosing messages. The package and/or
// enclosing messages are for where the extension is defined, not the message it
// extends.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) GetFullyQualifiedJSONName() string {
parent := fd.GetParent()
switch parent := parent.(type) {
case *FileDescriptor:
pkg := parent.GetPackage()
if pkg == "" {
return fd.GetJSONName()
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", pkg, fd.GetJSONName())
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", parent.GetFullyQualifiedName(), fd.GetJSONName())
// GetOwner returns the message type that this field belongs to. If this is a normal
// field then this is the same as GetParent. But for extensions, this will be the
// extendee message whereas GetParent refers to where the extension was declared.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) GetOwner() *MessageDescriptor {
return fd.owner
// IsExtension returns true if this is an extension field.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) IsExtension() bool {
return fd.proto.GetExtendee() != ""
// GetOneOf returns the one-of field set to which this field belongs. If this field
// is not part of a one-of then this method returns nil.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) GetOneOf() *OneOfDescriptor {
return fd.oneOf
// GetType returns the type of this field. If the type indicates an enum, the
// enum type can be queried via GetEnumType. If the type indicates a message, the
// message type can be queried via GetMessageType.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) GetType() dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_Type {
return fd.proto.GetType()
// GetLabel returns the label for this field. The label can be required (proto2-only),
// optional (default for proto3), or required.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) GetLabel() dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_Label {
return fd.proto.GetLabel()
// IsRequired returns true if this field has the "required" label.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) IsRequired() bool {
return fd.proto.GetLabel() == dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_LABEL_REQUIRED
// IsRepeated returns true if this field has the "repeated" label.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) IsRepeated() bool {
return fd.proto.GetLabel() == dpb.FieldDescriptorProto_LABEL_REPEATED
// IsMap returns true if this is a map field. If so, it will have the "repeated"
// label its type will be a message that represents a map entry. The map entry
// message will have exactly two fields: tag #1 is the key and tag #2 is the value.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) IsMap() bool {
return fd.isMap
// GetMapKeyType returns the type of the key field if this is a map field. If it is
// not a map field, nil is returned.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) GetMapKeyType() *FieldDescriptor {
if fd.isMap {
return fd.msgType.FindFieldByNumber(int32(1))
return nil
// GetMapValueType returns the type of the value field if this is a map field. If it
// is not a map field, nil is returned.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) GetMapValueType() *FieldDescriptor {
if fd.isMap {
return fd.msgType.FindFieldByNumber(int32(2))
return nil
// GetMessageType returns the type of this field if it is a message type. If
// this field is not a message type, it returns nil.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) GetMessageType() *MessageDescriptor {
return fd.msgType
// GetEnumType returns the type of this field if it is an enum type. If this
// field is not an enum type, it returns nil.
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) GetEnumType() *EnumDescriptor {
return fd.enumType
// GetDefaultValue returns the default value for this field.
// If this field represents a message type, this method always returns nil (even though
// for proto2 files, the default value should be a default instance of the message type).
// If the field represents an enum type, this method returns an int32 corresponding to the
// enum value. If this field is a map, it returns a nil map[interface{}]interface{}. If
// this field is repeated (and not a map), it returns a nil []interface{}.
// Otherwise, it returns the declared default value for the field or a zero value, if no
// default is declared or if the file is proto3. The type of said return value corresponds
// to the type of the field:
// +-------------------------+-----------+
// | Declared Type | Go Type |
// +-------------------------+-----------+
// | int32, sint32, sfixed32 | int32 |
// | int64, sint64, sfixed64 | int64 |
// | uint32, fixed32 | uint32 |
// | uint64, fixed64 | uint64 |
// | float | float32 |
// | double | double32 |
// | bool | bool |
// | string | string |
// | bytes | []byte |
// +-------------------------+-----------+
func (fd *FieldDescriptor) GetDefaultValue() interface{} {
return fd.getDefaultValue()
// EnumDescriptor describes an enum declared in a proto file.
type EnumDescriptor struct {
proto *dpb.EnumDescriptorProto
parent Descriptor
file *FileDescriptor
values []*EnumValueDescriptor
valuesByNum sortedValues
fqn string
sourceInfoPath []int32
func createEnumDescriptor(fd *FileDescriptor, parent Descriptor, enclosing string, ed *dpb.EnumDescriptorProto, symbols map[string]Descriptor) (*EnumDescriptor, string) {
enumName := merge(enclosing, ed.GetName())
ret := &EnumDescriptor{proto: ed, parent: parent, file: fd, fqn: enumName}
for _, ev := range ed.GetValue() {
evd, n := createEnumValueDescriptor(fd, ret, enumName, ev)
symbols[n] = evd
ret.values = append(ret.values, evd)
if len(ret.values) > 0 {
ret.valuesByNum = make(sortedValues, len(ret.values))
copy(ret.valuesByNum, ret.values)
return ret, enumName
type sortedValues []*EnumValueDescriptor
func (sv sortedValues) Len() int {
return len(sv)
func (sv sortedValues) Less(i, j int) bool {
return sv[i].GetNumber() < sv[j].GetNumber()
func (sv sortedValues) Swap(i, j int) {
sv[i], sv[j] = sv[j], sv[i]
func (ed *EnumDescriptor) resolve(path []int32) {
ed.sourceInfoPath = append([]int32(nil), path...) // defensive copy
path = append(path, internal.Enum_valuesTag)
for i, evd := range ed.values {
evd.resolve(append(path, int32(i)))
// GetName returns the simple (unqualified) name of the enum type.
func (ed *EnumDescriptor) GetName() string {
return ed.proto.GetName()
// GetFullyQualifiedName returns the fully qualified name of the enum type.
// This includes the package name (if there is one) as well as the names of any
// enclosing messages.
func (ed *EnumDescriptor) GetFullyQualifiedName() string {
return ed.fqn
// GetParent returns the enum type's enclosing descriptor. For top-level enums,
// this will be a file descriptor. Otherwise it will be the descriptor for the
// enclosing message.
func (ed *EnumDescriptor) GetParent() Descriptor {
return ed.parent
// GetFile returns the descriptor for the file in which this enum is defined.
func (ed *EnumDescriptor) GetFile() *FileDescriptor {
return ed.file
// GetOptions returns the enum type's options. Most usages will be more
// interested in GetEnumOptions, which has a concrete return type. This generic
// version is present to satisfy the Descriptor interface.
func (ed *EnumDescriptor) GetOptions() proto.Message {
return ed.proto.GetOptions()
// GetEnumOptions returns the enum type's options.
func (ed *EnumDescriptor) GetEnumOptions() *dpb.EnumOptions {
return ed.proto.GetOptions()
// GetSourceInfo returns source info for the enum type, if present in the
// descriptor. Not all descriptors will contain source info. If non-nil, the
// returned info contains information about the location in the file where the
// enum type was defined and also contains comments associated with the enum
// definition.
func (ed *EnumDescriptor) GetSourceInfo() *dpb.SourceCodeInfo_Location {
return ed.file.sourceInfo.Get(ed.sourceInfoPath)
// AsProto returns the underlying descriptor proto. Most usages will be more
// interested in AsEnumDescriptorProto, which has a concrete return type. This
// generic version is present to satisfy the Descriptor interface.
func (ed *EnumDescriptor) AsProto() proto.Message {
return ed.proto
// AsEnumDescriptorProto returns the underlying descriptor proto.
func (ed *EnumDescriptor) AsEnumDescriptorProto() *dpb.EnumDescriptorProto {
return ed.proto
// String returns the underlying descriptor proto, in compact text format.
func (ed *EnumDescriptor) String() string {
return ed.proto.String()
// GetValues returns all of the allowed values defined for this enum.
func (ed *EnumDescriptor) GetValues() []*EnumValueDescriptor {
return ed.values
// FindValueByName finds the enum value with the given name. If no such value exists
// then nil is returned.
func (ed *EnumDescriptor) FindValueByName(name string) *EnumValueDescriptor {
fqn := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", ed.fqn, name)
if vd, ok := ed.file.symbols[fqn].(*EnumValueDescriptor); ok {
return vd
} else {
return nil
// FindValueByNumber finds the value with the given numeric value. If no such value
// exists then nil is returned. If aliases are allowed and multiple values have the
// given number, the first declared value is returned.
func (ed *EnumDescriptor) FindValueByNumber(num int32) *EnumValueDescriptor {
index := sort.Search(len(ed.valuesByNum), func(i int) bool { return ed.valuesByNum[i].GetNumber() >= num })
if index < len(ed.valuesByNum) {
vd := ed.valuesByNum[index]
if vd.GetNumber() == num {
return vd
return nil
// EnumValueDescriptor describes an allowed value of an enum declared in a proto file.
type EnumValueDescriptor struct {
proto *dpb.EnumValueDescriptorProto
parent *EnumDescriptor
file *FileDescriptor
fqn string
sourceInfoPath []int32
func createEnumValueDescriptor(fd *FileDescriptor, parent *EnumDescriptor, enclosing string, evd *dpb.EnumValueDescriptorProto) (*EnumValueDescriptor, string) {
valName := merge(enclosing, evd.GetName())
return &EnumValueDescriptor{proto: evd, parent: parent, file: fd, fqn: valName}, valName
func (vd *EnumValueDescriptor) resolve(path []int32) {
vd.sourceInfoPath = append([]int32(nil), path...) // defensive copy
// GetName returns the name of the enum value.
func (vd *EnumValueDescriptor) GetName() string {
return vd.proto.GetName()
// GetNumber returns the numeric value associated with this enum value.
func (vd *EnumValueDescriptor) GetNumber() int32 {
return vd.proto.GetNumber()
// GetFullyQualifiedName returns the fully qualified name of the enum value.
// Unlike GetName, this includes fully qualified name of the enclosing enum.
func (vd *EnumValueDescriptor) GetFullyQualifiedName() string {
return vd.fqn
// GetParent returns the descriptor for the enum in which this enum value is
// defined. Most usages will prefer to use GetEnum, which has a concrete return
// type. This more generic method is present to satisfy the Descriptor interface.
func (vd *EnumValueDescriptor) GetParent() Descriptor {
return vd.parent
// GetEnum returns the enum in which this enum value is defined.
func (vd *EnumValueDescriptor) GetEnum() *EnumDescriptor {
return vd.parent
// GetFile returns the descriptor for the file in which this enum value is
// defined.
func (vd *EnumValueDescriptor) GetFile() *FileDescriptor {
return vd.file
// GetOptions returns the enum value's options. Most usages will be more
// interested in GetEnumValueOptions, which has a concrete return type. This
// generic version is present to satisfy the Descriptor interface.
func (vd *EnumValueDescriptor) GetOptions() proto.Message {
return vd.proto.GetOptions()
// GetEnumValueOptions returns the enum value's options.
func (vd *EnumValueDescriptor) GetEnumValueOptions() *dpb.EnumValueOptions {
return vd.proto.GetOptions()
// GetSourceInfo returns source info for the enum value, if present in the
// descriptor. Not all descriptors will contain source info. If non-nil, the
// returned info contains information about the location in the file where the
// enum value was defined and also contains comments associated with the enum
// value definition.
func (vd *EnumValueDescriptor) GetSourceInfo() *dpb.SourceCodeInfo_Location {
return vd.file.sourceInfo.Get(vd.sourceInfoPath)
// AsProto returns the underlying descriptor proto. Most usages will be more
// interested in AsEnumValueDescriptorProto, which has a concrete return type.
// This generic version is present to satisfy the Descriptor interface.
func (vd *EnumValueDescriptor) AsProto() proto.Message {
return vd.proto
// AsEnumValueDescriptorProto returns the underlying descriptor proto.
func (vd *EnumValueDescriptor) AsEnumValueDescriptorProto() *dpb.EnumValueDescriptorProto {
return vd.proto
// String returns the underlying descriptor proto, in compact text format.
func (vd *EnumValueDescriptor) String() string {
return vd.proto.String()
// ServiceDescriptor describes an RPC service declared in a proto file.
type ServiceDescriptor struct {
proto *dpb.ServiceDescriptorProto
file *FileDescriptor
methods []*MethodDescriptor
fqn string
sourceInfoPath []int32
func createServiceDescriptor(fd *FileDescriptor, enclosing string, sd *dpb.ServiceDescriptorProto, symbols map[string]Descriptor) (*ServiceDescriptor, string) {
serviceName := merge(enclosing, sd.GetName())
ret := &ServiceDescriptor{proto: sd, file: fd, fqn: serviceName}
for _, m := range sd.GetMethod() {
md, n := createMethodDescriptor(fd, ret, serviceName, m)
symbols[n] = md
ret.methods = append(ret.methods, md)
return ret, serviceName
func (sd *ServiceDescriptor) resolve(path []int32, scopes []scope) error {
sd.sourceInfoPath = append([]int32(nil), path...) // defensive copy
path = append(path, internal.Service_methodsTag)
for i, md := range sd.methods {
if err := md.resolve(append(path, int32(i)), scopes); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// GetName returns the simple (unqualified) name of the service.
func (sd *ServiceDescriptor) GetName() string {
return sd.proto.GetName()
// GetFullyQualifiedName returns the fully qualified name of the service. This
// includes the package name (if there is one).
func (sd *ServiceDescriptor) GetFullyQualifiedName() string {
return sd.fqn
// GetParent returns the descriptor for the file in which this service is
// defined. Most usages will prefer to use GetFile, which has a concrete return
// type. This more generic method is present to satisfy the Descriptor interface.
func (sd *ServiceDescriptor) GetParent() Descriptor {
return sd.file
// GetFile returns the descriptor for the file in which this service is defined.
func (sd *ServiceDescriptor) GetFile() *FileDescriptor {
return sd.file
// GetOptions returns the service's options. Most usages will be more interested
// in GetServiceOptions, which has a concrete return type. This generic version
// is present to satisfy the Descriptor interface.
func (sd *ServiceDescriptor) GetOptions() proto.Message {
return sd.proto.GetOptions()
// GetServiceOptions returns the service's options.
func (sd *ServiceDescriptor) GetServiceOptions() *dpb.ServiceOptions {
return sd.proto.GetOptions()
// GetSourceInfo returns source info for the service, if present in the
// descriptor. Not all descriptors will contain source info. If non-nil, the
// returned info contains information about the location in the file where the
// service was defined and also contains comments associated with the service
// definition.
func (sd *ServiceDescriptor) GetSourceInfo() *dpb.SourceCodeInfo_Location {
return sd.file.sourceInfo.Get(sd.sourceInfoPath)
// AsProto returns the underlying descriptor proto. Most usages will be more
// interested in AsServiceDescriptorProto, which has a concrete return type.
// This generic version is present to satisfy the Descriptor interface.
func (sd *ServiceDescriptor) AsProto() proto.Message {
return sd.proto
// AsServiceDescriptorProto returns the underlying descriptor proto.
func (sd *ServiceDescriptor) AsServiceDescriptorProto() *dpb.ServiceDescriptorProto {
return sd.proto
// String returns the underlying descriptor proto, in compact text format.
func (sd *ServiceDescriptor) String() string {
return sd.proto.String()
// GetMethods returns all of the RPC methods for this service.
func (sd *ServiceDescriptor) GetMethods() []*MethodDescriptor {
return sd.methods
// FindMethodByName finds the method with the given name. If no such method exists
// then nil is returned.
func (sd *ServiceDescriptor) FindMethodByName(name string) *MethodDescriptor {
fqn := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", sd.fqn, name)
if md, ok := sd.file.symbols[fqn].(*MethodDescriptor); ok {
return md
} else {
return nil
// MethodDescriptor describes an RPC method declared in a proto file.
type MethodDescriptor struct {
proto *dpb.MethodDescriptorProto
parent *ServiceDescriptor
file *FileDescriptor
inType *MessageDescriptor
outType *MessageDescriptor
fqn string
sourceInfoPath []int32
func createMethodDescriptor(fd *FileDescriptor, parent *ServiceDescriptor, enclosing string, md *dpb.MethodDescriptorProto) (*MethodDescriptor, string) {
// request and response types get resolved later
methodName := merge(enclosing, md.GetName())
return &MethodDescriptor{proto: md, parent: parent, file: fd, fqn: methodName}, methodName
func (md *MethodDescriptor) resolve(path []int32, scopes []scope) error {
md.sourceInfoPath = append([]int32(nil), path...) // defensive copy
if desc, err := resolve(md.file, md.proto.GetInputType(), scopes); err != nil {
return err
} else {
md.inType = desc.(*MessageDescriptor)
if desc, err := resolve(md.file, md.proto.GetOutputType(), scopes); err != nil {
return err
} else {
md.outType = desc.(*MessageDescriptor)
return nil
// GetName returns the name of the method.
func (md *MethodDescriptor) GetName() string {
return md.proto.GetName()
// GetFullyQualifiedName returns the fully qualified name of the method. Unlike
// GetName, this includes fully qualified name of the enclosing service.
func (md *MethodDescriptor) GetFullyQualifiedName() string {
return md.fqn
// GetParent returns the descriptor for the service in which this method is
// defined. Most usages will prefer to use GetService, which has a concrete
// return type. This more generic method is present to satisfy the Descriptor
// interface.
func (md *MethodDescriptor) GetParent() Descriptor {
return md.parent
// GetService returns the RPC service in which this method is declared.
func (md *MethodDescriptor) GetService() *ServiceDescriptor {
return md.parent
// GetFile returns the descriptor for the file in which this method is defined.
func (md *MethodDescriptor) GetFile() *FileDescriptor {
return md.file
// GetOptions returns the method's options. Most usages will be more interested
// in GetMethodOptions, which has a concrete return type. This generic version
// is present to satisfy the Descriptor interface.
func (md *MethodDescriptor) GetOptions() proto.Message {
return md.proto.GetOptions()
// GetMethodOptions returns the method's options.
func (md *MethodDescriptor) GetMethodOptions() *dpb.MethodOptions {
return md.proto.GetOptions()
// GetSourceInfo returns source info for the method, if present in the
// descriptor. Not all descriptors will contain source info. If non-nil, the
// returned info contains information about the location in the file where the
// method was defined and also contains comments associated with the method
// definition.
func (md *MethodDescriptor) GetSourceInfo() *dpb.SourceCodeInfo_Location {
return md.file.sourceInfo.Get(md.sourceInfoPath)
// AsProto returns the underlying descriptor proto. Most usages will be more
// interested in AsMethodDescriptorProto, which has a concrete return type. This
// generic version is present to satisfy the Descriptor interface.
func (md *MethodDescriptor) AsProto() proto.Message {
return md.proto
// AsMethodDescriptorProto returns the underlying descriptor proto.
func (md *MethodDescriptor) AsMethodDescriptorProto() *dpb.MethodDescriptorProto {
return md.proto
// String returns the underlying descriptor proto, in compact text format.
func (md *MethodDescriptor) String() string {
return md.proto.String()
// IsServerStreaming returns true if this is a server-streaming method.
func (md *MethodDescriptor) IsServerStreaming() bool {
return md.proto.GetServerStreaming()
// IsClientStreaming returns true if this is a client-streaming method.
func (md *MethodDescriptor) IsClientStreaming() bool {
return md.proto.GetClientStreaming()
// GetInputType returns the input type, or request type, of the RPC method.
func (md *MethodDescriptor) GetInputType() *MessageDescriptor {
return md.inType
// GetOutputType returns the output type, or response type, of the RPC method.
func (md *MethodDescriptor) GetOutputType() *MessageDescriptor {
return md.outType
// OneOfDescriptor describes a one-of field set declared in a protocol buffer message.
type OneOfDescriptor struct {
proto *dpb.OneofDescriptorProto
parent *MessageDescriptor
file *FileDescriptor
choices []*FieldDescriptor
fqn string
sourceInfoPath []int32
func createOneOfDescriptor(fd *FileDescriptor, parent *MessageDescriptor, index int, enclosing string, od *dpb.OneofDescriptorProto) (*OneOfDescriptor, string) {
oneOfName := merge(enclosing, od.GetName())
ret := &OneOfDescriptor{proto: od, parent: parent, file: fd, fqn: oneOfName}
for _, f := range parent.fields {
oi := f.proto.OneofIndex
if oi != nil && *oi == int32(index) {
f.oneOf = ret
ret.choices = append(ret.choices, f)
return ret, oneOfName
func (od *OneOfDescriptor) resolve(path []int32) {
od.sourceInfoPath = append([]int32(nil), path...) // defensive copy
// GetName returns the name of the one-of.
func (od *OneOfDescriptor) GetName() string {
return od.proto.GetName()
// GetFullyQualifiedName returns the fully qualified name of the one-of. Unlike
// GetName, this includes fully qualified name of the enclosing message.
func (od *OneOfDescriptor) GetFullyQualifiedName() string {
return od.fqn
// GetParent returns the descriptor for the message in which this one-of is
// defined. Most usages will prefer to use GetOwner, which has a concrete
// return type. This more generic method is present to satisfy the Descriptor
// interface.
func (od *OneOfDescriptor) GetParent() Descriptor {
return od.parent
// GetOwner returns the message to which this one-of field set belongs.
func (od *OneOfDescriptor) GetOwner() *MessageDescriptor {
return od.parent
// GetFile returns the descriptor for the file in which this one-fof is defined.
func (od *OneOfDescriptor) GetFile() *FileDescriptor {
return od.file
// GetOptions returns the one-of's options. Most usages will be more interested
// in GetOneOfOptions, which has a concrete return type. This generic version
// is present to satisfy the Descriptor interface.
func (od *OneOfDescriptor) GetOptions() proto.Message {
return od.proto.GetOptions()
// GetOneOfOptions returns the one-of's options.
func (od *OneOfDescriptor) GetOneOfOptions() *dpb.OneofOptions {
return od.proto.GetOptions()
// GetSourceInfo returns source info for the one-of, if present in the
// descriptor. Not all descriptors will contain source info. If non-nil, the
// returned info contains information about the location in the file where the
// one-of was defined and also contains comments associated with the one-of
// definition.
func (od *OneOfDescriptor) GetSourceInfo() *dpb.SourceCodeInfo_Location {
return od.file.sourceInfo.Get(od.sourceInfoPath)
// AsProto returns the underlying descriptor proto. Most usages will be more
// interested in AsOneofDescriptorProto, which has a concrete return type. This
// generic version is present to satisfy the Descriptor interface.
func (od *OneOfDescriptor) AsProto() proto.Message {
return od.proto
// AsOneofDescriptorProto returns the underlying descriptor proto.
func (od *OneOfDescriptor) AsOneofDescriptorProto() *dpb.OneofDescriptorProto {
return od.proto
// String returns the underlying descriptor proto, in compact text format.
func (od *OneOfDescriptor) String() string {
return od.proto.String()
// GetChoices returns the fields that are part of the one-of field set. At most one of
// these fields may be set for a given message.
func (od *OneOfDescriptor) GetChoices() []*FieldDescriptor {
return od.choices
// scope represents a lexical scope in a proto file in which messages and enums
// can be declared.
type scope func(string) Descriptor
func fileScope(fd *FileDescriptor) scope {
// we search symbols in this file, but also symbols in other files that have
// the same package as this file or a "parent" package (in protobuf,
// packages are a hierarchy like C++ namespaces)
prefixes := internal.CreatePrefixList(fd.proto.GetPackage())
return func(name string) Descriptor {
for _, prefix := range prefixes {
n := merge(prefix, name)
d := findSymbol(fd, n, false)
if d != nil {
return d
return nil
func messageScope(md *MessageDescriptor) scope {
return func(name string) Descriptor {
n := merge(md.fqn, name)
if d, ok := md.file.symbols[n]; ok {
return d
return nil
func resolve(fd *FileDescriptor, name string, scopes []scope) (Descriptor, error) {
if strings.HasPrefix(name, ".") {
// already fully-qualified
d := findSymbol(fd, name[1:], false)
if d != nil {
return d, nil
} else {
// unqualified, so we look in the enclosing (last) scope first and move
// towards outermost (first) scope, trying to resolve the symbol
for i := len(scopes) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
d := scopes[i](name)
if d != nil {
return d, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("file %q included an unresolvable reference to %q", fd.proto.GetName(), name)
func findSymbol(fd *FileDescriptor, name string, public bool) Descriptor {
d := fd.symbols[name]
if d != nil {
return d
// When public = false, we are searching only directly imported symbols. But we
// also need to search transitive public imports due to semantics of public imports.
var deps []*FileDescriptor
if public {
deps = fd.publicDeps
} else {
deps = fd.deps
for _, dep := range deps {
d = findSymbol(dep, name, true)
if d != nil {
return d
return nil
func merge(a, b string) string {
if a == "" {
return b
} else {
return a + "." + b