#!/bin/bash version=$(cat .version/name) source .install/includes/colors.sh source .install/includes/library.sh clear # Set installation mode mode="live" if [ ! -z $1 ]; then mode="dev" echo "IMPORTANT: DEV MODE ACTIVATED. " echo "Existing dotfiles folder will not be modified." echo "Symbolic links will not be created." fi echo -e "${GREEN}" cat <<"EOF" __ __ _ _ ___ __ _ _ __ _ _ | \/ | | | || \ \ / / __| | ___ | |_ / _(_) | ___ ___ | |\/| | | | || |\ \ /\ / / / _` |/ _ \| __| |_| | |/ _ \/ __| | | | | |__|__ _\ V V / | (_| | (_) | |_| _| | | __/\__ \ |_| |_|_____| |_| \_/\_/ \__,_|\___/ \__|_| |_|_|\___||___/ EOF echo -e "${NONE}" echo "Version: $version" echo "by Stephan Raabe 2024" echo "" if [ -d ~/dotfiles ] ;then echo "A ML4W dotfiles installation has been detected." echo "This script will guide you through the update process of the ML4W dotfiles." else echo "This script will guide you through the installation process of the ML4W dotfiles." fi echo "" source .install/required.sh source .install/confirm-start.sh source .install/yay.sh #source .install/backup.sh #source .install/preparation.sh source .install/installer.sh source .install/general.sh source .install/packages/general-packages.sh source .install/install-packages.sh source .install/profile.sh if [[ $profile == *"Hyprland"* ]]; then echo -e "${GREEN}" figlet "Hyprland" echo -e "${NONE}" source .install/packages/hyprland-packages.sh source .install/install-packages.sh source .install/screenlock.sh fi #if [[ $profile == *"Qtile"* ]]; then #echo -e "${GREEN}" #figlet "Qtile" #echo -e "${NONE}" #source .install/packages/qtile-packages.sh #source .install/install-packages.sh #fi #source .install/wallpaper.sh source .install/displaymanager.sh source .install/issue.sh source .install/restore.sh source .install/keyboard.sh source .install/vm.sh source .install/hook.sh source .install/copy.sh source .install/init-pywal.sh if [[ $profile == *"Hyprland"* ]]; then source .install/hyprland-dotfiles.sh fi if [[ $profile == *"Qtile"* ]]; then source .install/qtile-dotfiles.sh fi source .install/gtk.sh source .install/bashrc.sh source .install/cleanup.sh echo -e "${GREEN}" figlet "Done" echo -e "${NONE}" echo "Please reboot your system!" echo